Concrete Curing AgentGCC-2250 Bridge Deck CureGCC-2250 is ready-to-use concrete curing compounds are high solids, white pigmented, polyalphamethylstryene-based. These formulations were developed for various Departments of Transportation as premium grade, concrete curing compounds. They offer rainfall protection typically within 4 hours after application, developing sufficient hardness and film integrity. The 2250 is white pigmented, to reflect the sun's rays, maintaining cooler concrete which reduces the expansive and contractive stresses which cause cracking during the hydration process. When properly applied, 2250 provides a tough, smooth, uniform film with excellent adhesion to the fresh concrete surface. 2250 meets maximum VOC content limits of 350 g/L for Concrete Curing Compounds as required by the U.S. EPA Architectural Coatings Rule.
Packaging 278 Gallon totes (1053 Liter)
Features and Benefits
Technical Data
Application If the surface of the concrete is clean and free of foreign matter, no further preparation is required. If foreign matter, such as dirt and dust has accumulated on the surface, it should be removed before applying the compound. If surface moisture has evaporated, as in the case of formed concrete, or the concrete is beginning to dry out, the best curing is obtained if the concrete is wetted before application of the 2250 product. NOTE: The concrete surface should be moist, but free of standing water. Once the concrete will accept walking workmen without marring, the surface is ready for the application of the 2250 product. Mixing: Any settling in the drums can be re-dispersed with gentle agitation prior to use. CAUTION: TO AVOID FOAMING, DO NOT MIX EXCESSIVELY. Apply curing compound to the surface of the concrete with spray equipment as soon as possible after the moisture has left the surface. The spray equipment should be capable of spraying a smooth uniform coat. Workmen should not track across freshly poured concrete until after the concrete is coated with the curing compound and the film has dried thoroughly. Drying Time: Approximately one hour. Restrict foot traffic for at least 4 hours. Clean up: Clean equipment promptly with Mineral Spirits or other suitable petroleum distillate. Precautions